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Náš workshopový tým je Vám k dispozici od pondělí do pátku od 8.00 do 19.00 hodin na telefonním čísle +49 (0)9931 4058-981.

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Na registraci

Practical knowledge about wood glues and adhesives



Heiko Pulcher

Haager Str. 9 IV. Stock, 81671 München

99,00 € za každého účastníka vč. DPH

Fakturační adresa

  • Functional principles of wood glues, contact adhesives and reaction adhesives
  • Different wood glues and their applications
  • Terms used in adhesive technology and their meaning
  • Solvent-based and solvent-free adhesives, binders, hardeners, filler materials and additives
  • Adhesive force of different glues, analysis of the glues’ strength with glue samples and breaking tests
  • Tips and instructions for professional workmanship and for your own projects
  • Glueing wood with other materials
  • Tools and aids