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Náš workshopový tým je Vám k dispozici od pondělí do pátku od 8.00 do 19.00 hodin na telefonním čísle +49 (0)9931 4058-981.

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Na registraci

Using Hand Tools for Making Classic Wood Joints



Peter Lanz

Haager Str. 9 IV. Stock, 81671 München

159,00 € za každého účastníka vč. DPH

Fakturační adresa

Woodworking with classic hand tools is an ancient craft that is very attractive today. Manually crafted, visible wood joints are unique and beautiful and they testify to the manufacturer's skills. This course will teach you the theory and practice of the necessary basic skills and the proper use of the required hand tools, such as planes, saws, scribing tools, etc.