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Náš workshopový tým je Vám k dispozici od pondělí do pátku od 8.00 do 19.00 hodin na telefonním čísle +49 (0)9931 4058-981.

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Na registraci

Canadian Canoe from Cedarwood


01.09 - 13.09.2025

Matthias Freymadl

St.-Ursulaweg 19, 94557 Niederalteich

3 399,00 € za každého účastníka vč. DPH

Fakturační adresa

Each student will build an elegant wooden Canadian-style canoe using woodstrip construction. Length approx. 4.8 metres. Not only are these beautiful and lightweight boats (22-27 kg), but they also offer excellent handling. They are normally suitable for 1-2 people (with luggage) for fishing, hiking or daytrips on calm rivers or lakes. You will cover the prefabricated frames with strips of cedarwood in teams of two. Since the strips are attached without clamps and nails, you end up with a perfect shell. Then you glue on the outer stem, and smooth and sand the shell. In the next step you coat the hull transparently both inside and out with a layer of fibre glass fabric and epoxy resin, before adjusting the coaming and a small deck. You will be given instructions on how to complete the remaining finish and the interior work yourself at home. The boat is easy to transport on a car roof. Due to the workload, a day off is planned for Sunday.